Arizona Anti-Trafficking Network

Human Trafficking Awareness

Create a Safer Community

Join us in our fight against human trafficking. Use Guest Ban's ID scanning system to make your hotel a safer place and become part of the solution. Your decision can change lives.

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Arizona Anti-Trafficking Network

Our Fight Against Human Trafficking

Visit AATN

The AATN is on a mission to build a community free from human trafficking

Online Training

Online training for human trafficking awareness

Safe Action Project

Educating the travel, tourism, and hospitality on how to recognize and report human trafficking​

Human Trafficking In Arizona

The Arizona Anti-Trafficking Network (AATN) works diligently to eradicate human trafficking in Arizona

0 % +

Of traffickers rented hotel rooms for their victims

0 % +

Of victims were trafficked in hotel rooms

0 % +

Of homeless youth report being sex trafficked in AZ