Secure Your Guests' Information

ID Scanning for Hotel

As a hotel owner or manager, ensuring the safety and security of your guests and staff is of utmost importance. In today's world, where security threats are a constant concern, it's essential to have the right tools in place to protect your hotel from potential risks.

PMS profile matching is often unreliable, allowing banned individuals to be checked in

ID Scanning for Hotel

Hotel Guest Tracking

Why ID Scanning is Crucial for Hotels

Hotels that do not implement ID scanning procedures run the risk of various fraudulent activities, such as identity theft, credit card fraud, and criminal mischief. Without proper identification, it becomes easier for individuals to impersonate others and gain access to hotel rooms, amenities, and other services. This not only puts the guests at risk but can also lead to financial losses for the hotel owners.

A guest admitted to an inn can be removed thereafter by the innkeeper for: United States v. Allen, 106 F.3d 695, 699 (6th Cir. Ky. 1997)


Drug Use

Guest Complaints

Criminal Mischief

Damage Cost

  • Unrecoverable Cost
  • Recoverable Cost

Benefits of Implementing

ID Scanning for Hotels

Say goodbye to typing errors, tracking, and managing guest information. 96% of customers say that Guest Ban saves their team time! 

Customer feedback has also been positive, with many guests reporting a more streamlined and efficient check-in process.

Time Saved with Guest Ban

Check-in Time (Hours)

  • With Guest Ban
  • Without Guest Ban

Hotel ID verification

How ID Scanning Can Help Hotels

Guest Ban's ID scanning service can also help to streamline the check-in process, minimizing wait times and creating a more convenient experience for guests. By automating the verification process, hotels can save time and resources while improving the overall guest experience.

Included Features

Everything you need to enhance visitor experience

Automated Entry

Save time and reduce errors by automating the transfer of guest licensee information directly into your PMS

Ban Alert

Receive notifications when a guest has been flagged for an issue at your properties or on the Guest Ban network

Vehicle Search and Tracking

Tired of searching through each registration card? Easily track and search guest vehicle information when you need it the most.

Powerful Watchlist

Maintain the peace and safety of guests and staff with Internal watchlist and Guest Ban™ Shared network.

Repeat Offender

Tired of banned guests from returning? Guest Ban ID matching system will check if the guest is using a fake or misspelled name

Prevent Fraudulent Chargebacks

Win chargebacks by providing proof with the guest's scanned ID images and data

Property Management Systems

We're compatible with

Knowledge Base

Frequently asked questions

ID scanning for hotels is a process of electronically scanning a guest's identification document, such as a driver's license or passport, to verify their identity and age.

Hotels scan IDs to ensure the safety and security of their guests and to comply with legal requirements for age verification, record-keeping, and fraud prevention.

ID scanning for hotels is not mandatory in all jurisdictions, but some cities or states require it by law. Many hotels are independently owned and policies may also vary about their ID scanning policy.

Yes, ID scanning for hotels is safe when done properly and with appropriate data security measures. Guest Ban uses encrypted technology to protect guest data and complies with industry standards for data protection.

Hotels typically collect basic guest information from the ID, such as name, address, date of birth, and ID number. Some hotels may also collect a guest's photo for security purposes. This information is kept confidential and secure.

The length of time that hotels keep ID scanning data varies depending on local regulations and hotel policies. Guest Ban retains data for as long as required by law or until it is no longer needed for legal or business purposes.

Hotels should not share ID scanning data with third parties except as required by law or with a guest's consent. Guest Ban does not share guest data with third parties except for legal or regulatory purposes.

Privacy concerns surrounding ID scanning for hotels include the potential for data breaches or unauthorized access to guest information. Guest Ban takes data privacy and security seriously and uses encryption and other measures to protect guest data.

Yes, there are laws and regulations regarding ID scanning for hotels in some jurisdictions. Owners should check with their local authorities to learn about specific requirements.

Guests may be able to refuse to have their IDs scanned by hotels in some cases, depending on hotel policies and local laws. However, guests who refuse may be denied check-in or other hotel services.

Not all hotels scan IDs, but many do for security and legal compliance reasons. 

Yes, there are alternative methods for verifying guest identity and age, such as manual checking or electronic age verification systems. However, ID scanning may be the most reliable method in some cases.

If a guest's ID is not scanned by the hotel, they may be denied check-in or other hotel services.